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Social Media in the Aftermath October 7, 2008

Posted by colinclark in Uncategorized.
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For those of you who don’t know, I am no longer working at Marketpath.  The reasons are completely unimportant and irrelevent, but what is important is that my identity in social media has changed drastically.  For the last several months I’ve identified myself as ‘Colin Clark = Marketpath = Content Management = … ”  There are so many labels that I’ve created that I’ve really developed a ‘brand’ around my online persona.

What do I do next?  I must rebrand, and in rebranding I must remember that I’m avidly searching for a new job.  The most important thing is that I maintain my authenticity.  For this reason, I’ve started this blog using wordpress.  I’ve decided to link back to my old Marketpath blog whenever it’s relevent so that whoever has been following me over the last few months can maintain a sense of continuity.  Also, I’ve got something like 25 posts that I worked really hard to write, so I’d still like to maintain some ownership (when I left, we agreed that it would be best to keep my old blog posts up on the marketpath website).

As part of my ‘rebranding’ I’ve also started this blog.  socialINDY will be my discussion forum for all things social media.  If anything, my activity in social media will likely increase (due to my unemployment), and I just can’t imagine myself not blogging.  I decided on the name socialINDY for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, I live in indianapolis.  Secondly, I wanted to include the word indy, because I’m now an independent (indy = indie).  Thirdly, I’ve got another blog which I call indyawesome for some of the same reasons that I called this blog socialINDY.

So, I”m now out here in cyberspace with no one to answer to but myself.  If anyone knows of any hidden career opportunities for a social media mogul just shoot me a line.  If not, please enjoy my commentary on socialINDY, friendfeed, twitter, and smallerindiana.