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More or Better? October 10, 2008

Posted by colinclark in Blogging Tips.
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I wanted to take just a few sentences to talk about frequency in blogging.  A lot of people say they can’t blog every day, because they don’t think that they’re capeable of contributing meaningful content every day.  While I don’t recommend putting absolute crap on your blog, I do subscribe to the school of thought that more blog entries is  better.

This is particularly important when you consider the audience of a blogger.  Very often it is other bloggers, and more often than not, they view your blog along with several other blogs in some sort of blog reading platform (I use google reader).  I’m on there almost every day reading the feeds that I’m subscribed to.  I know many of the people whose blogs I read either personally or by reputation.  I know that most of them are busy professionals who don’t have time to blog every day.  However, I do know that I’m going to get consistent updates.  Sometimes it’s just a little tid bit (Doug Karr will simply post a few of his favorite links that he thinks his readership will enjoy).

The most important part of building a blog readership is to let your readers know that you are serious about what you do, and that they are going to get a few new paragraphs each time they come to see you.  Don’t fret about content.  It’s your blog and I guarantee that it will get easier the more you do it.  Remember, content comes first and it is definitely better to have more.