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Fitness blog is right on October 13, 2008

Posted by colinclark in Blogging Tips.
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I love it when I find out that someone I’ve known for a while is a fellow blogger. This weekend I discovered that my friend Ryan down in Bloomington had started a fitness blog for his business Force Fitness. I was thrilled to discover that Ryan and his partner Wil had done an excellent job of creating a blog with a lot of value and a lot of heart. I thought that it would only be fitting that I do a short review of what I can only describe as a very impressive blog.

1. This blog creates a lot of value for Force Fitness’ clientele by providing a wealth of information on health and fitness. Ryan and Wil have done an excellent job of establishing themselves as experts in their field and channeling that expertise into their blog readership.

2. The Force Fitness blog also addresses the complex philosophy of the coach/athlete relationship. They are excellent at showing how much they care about their people. This definitely puts them ahead of the average trainers.

3. Ryan has started to dabble in video blogging, showing visitors various training techniques and tips. I would love to see more of this in the future.

4. I love that their are two authors. In the past I haven’t wholeheartedly embraced blogs with multiple authorships, but in this case I think it works well. I wouldn’t recommend having more than 2-3 authors on the same blog.

5. These guys are really good about writing frequently. As I’ve said before, this is the benchmark of a successful blog.

I also have a few pieces of constructive criticism that I hope might help their blog reach a wider audience.

1. I’d like to see them ‘join the blogging community’ by referencing other fitness blogs and linking to them within the posts. The more active you get with other blogs, the more exposure your blog will get, and in the end the more potential customers will see what you do.   You can find blogs on virtually any topic on Google or Technorati

2. Ryan and Wil definitely need to get on Smaller Indiana. I realize that the majority of the people on Smaller Indiana are from the Indianapolis area, but there are still a ton of Bloomington residents that use this fantastic resource to spread their ideas.

3. Along with the video, I’d also like to see more pictures of their facility and anything else that they do that might be of interest to their readers.

I’ve added the Force Fitness blog to my list of blogs that I read regularly. I think these guys have done a great job of creating a community around what they do and I’m excited to see where they take it from here.